<>Hello World!</>

👋 My name is Göker

I’m learning React and sharing all the things that learned here! I’m living in Urla Izmir Turkey. I’m surely open for opportunities. If you are looking for someone as a frontend developer please drop me a message from one of my social media accounts. This pandemic has showed us only one thing nice which is future of work is remote. To learn more about me I have a section all about myself 😎 please check it from the header 👆

🎯 My Latest Post

I’m not using medium or dev.to because maintaining this personal blog is also a part of my learning process. 🤞

Creating The Basic Building Stones Of A React Website

1 minute read.

We are starting to shape the project with React. First, I examined the files that came with the React installation. I cleared the App.css and App.js contents. I wrote the following codes to lay the foundations of the project in App.js

💀 Challenge of the day
I make my own ReactJS 

So far no luck...